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Wednesday 24 June 2015

TV Opening Sequences: Anger Management

Anger Management (2012- 2014)

Originality: 1/5
In this television era it's a lot more common to see intros that are super short and only feature the title of the show. I think it's such a shame because typically this is first introduction to the series that viewers will get and the goal should be to draw them in. Maybe intros like this are just a reminder about how fast paced the world is these days, so much so that we have shortened our openings to 4 seconds because we don't have time for 30 seconds. This intro doesn't draw me in or entertain me, instead it gives me nostalgic feelings about intros from generations past. Whatever happened to predictability?

Theme Song: 2/5
It's so short that it's kinda hard to call it a theme song but I'll give it points for being distinctive enough that when I hear it playing on TV, I know what show it is but sadly it's not one I can sing in the shower.

Informative: 0/5
A 4 second intro with only the title just tells me what I already know, THE TITLE. I didn't learned anything more than I already knew when the guide on my TV said Anger Management was playing at 7:00. People, I am not looking for a short story but I am looking for something of substance and this intro isn't it. It's is a shame because the show is actually pretty good and yet the intro doesn't capitalize on it. 

Overall Score: 20%

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