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Friday 8 May 2015

My Farewell To Cristela

Following the ABC cancellation of Cristela

I am so sad that yet again this May I have to write another TV Farewell, this year for Cristela. I can't help but wonder what ABC executives are thinking. Last year they cancelled the awesome (but poorly titled) show Trophy Wife after one season and replaced it with Selfie in the fall. This was an epic fail as Selfie didn't even complete a full season and was God awful. This year they decide to cancel the extremely underrated Cristela but are renewing the spoof musical Galavant. Why? They ran Galavant for only 4 weeks but were able to play Cristela for a full TV season and considering they gave Galavant a prime Sunday night spot, it barely brought in more viewers than Cristela in her horrible Friday night spot where shows go to die. (Cristela- 0.9 and Galavant 1.1) 

I'm really going to miss watching this show. In fact, I rated it as my #2 favorite new TV series of 2014. Not only does the world need more female comedians but the humor was right up my alley, especially the parts where she kept trying to explain her generation to the older generation. The concept was great as was the cast but they clearly knew they weren't going to be picked up for another season because their last episode wrapped everything up, which I very much appreciate. There's nothing that I hate more than when series ends without a finale. It's like reading the beginning and middle of a book only to notice that the end few chapters are missing. 

I'm very sad to see Cristela go and I dread to see which horrible show they replace it with in the fall. Going forward, I do hope to see more from Cristela Alonzo because she's got a very bright future in the world of comedy. 

Check out my Episode 1 review of Galavant, my Episode 1 review of Selfie and the countdown of the Best & Worst New TV Shows of 2014

Follow me on Twitter @popculturedlife for more**

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