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Tuesday 24 May 2016

Downward Dog- First Impressions & After Trailer Thoughts

I'm doing something different this year for the Fall TV Pilots 2016. Here I will do an individual series and include my First Impressions along with my After Trailer Thoughts and finally will conclude with the Premiere Review in the fall.

Downward Dog (ABC- Comedy)

First Impressions (based on concept):
The premise of this series ("a lonely dog navigates the complexity of 21st century relationships") doesn't exactly give me much to go on. Is this animated? Is the "dog" referring to a guy? I have no idea. There isn't enough information to even try to give my opinion.
How Excited Am I? 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest): N/A, not enough information

After Trailer Thoughts:
Turns out, it's a real dog who speaks his mind interview style (think The Office). I actually preferred before I watched the trailer because I could imagine what this series would be like, and let me tell you something, it was MUCH better in my head. I understand the world could use a series about the love between dogs and humans but this isn't it. It wasn't funny and they picked the worst human voice to match that dog with. Excuse me while I go back to the better series I imagined in my head.

How Excited Am I? 1 (lowest) - 10 (highest): Going to have to go with 0.
How Long Will It Last? Considering ABC has so little faith in this series that it's starting mid-season, I give it a total of 6 episodes.

Episode 1- Pilot Review:
Check back in the fall!

**Follow me on Twitter @popculturedlife for all my Fall TV First Impressions & After Trailer Thoughts**

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