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Wednesday, 7 October 2015

TV Opening Sequences: Beverly Hills, 90210

Beverly Hills, 90210 (1990-2000)

Originality: 3/5
I'll give this intro an extra point for originality mainly because instead of just using clips from the show to introduce each actor/actress, everyone gets a few seconds to break the fourth wall and look into the camera while their name appears. Plus a lot of the group shots are also scenes shot just for the intro which means that they were thinking specially of the intro and not just being lazy (like some) and using all clips that were already filmed. This intro was something that I loved growing up and I still do now because I think it give the audience more of a connected feeling with each character having them look directly at the camera. Plus it's the little added touches like the handshakes at the end that makes their friendships not only relatable but enviable. 

Theme Song: 4/5
There is no better start of a theme song than the first five seconds of this one. Every time I hear it play, it's like I jumped in a time machine and I'm back in front of my TV watching each episode for the first time. It not only warms my heart with nostalgia but it gives me the feeling of knowing that everything will turn out all right in the end. For a theme song with no words, this one says it all, without saying anything.

Informative: 4/5
You can tell it's about friends and family and school and growing up but I don't think it showcases the depth of the important issues that they deal with in the show. 

Overall: 73%

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