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Tuesday 19 January 2016

Game Time! Flower Shop Frenzy

Flower Shop Frenzy

Last Updated: 2010

Company: RockYou, Inc.

# of Levels: 6 game levels (additional 30 game levels and 12 flower upgrade mini game levels available for purchase)

Price I Paid: 6 levels (free), additional 42 levels ($1.19)

Time Spent Playing: 2 Hours and 19 Minutes

Story Line: Help Emma run for friends's Flower Shop and make it a success in time for the big international rose festival.


+ The game doesn't just tell you how to do your tasks but it shows you how.

+ It explains all the different customers you will encounter and new equipment that you'll use.

+ There are no mini games during the levels which I always prefer because then the game is just based on speed of tasks instead of slowing you down with constant mini games.

- Although I like the fact that a radio station will call and give you questions to answer in exchange for bonus money, the questions are all flower related and not questions all people would know (see picture 3). Out of the whole game, I probably only got 3 right. I would have preferred easier questions about flowers or harder questions but about the game itself.

- The game gives you hints before the levels but they disappear before I can even read what they say. This could have been solved by giving you longer time to read the hints or by having you hit a "continue" button after reading it since not everyone reads at the same speed.

- Aside from the money needed to reach the target goal and pass the level, it doesn't matter how much more you make because you can't use the money for anything. All the machines upgrade themselves based on the level your playing so there's no incentive to serve the customers faster to get more money and bigger tips.

- There's a trophy room where you can earn plaques and trophy's for the restaurant (see picture 5). What I hate is when games make a trophy you can earn for bad things (like "make 10 kids cry" or "repel 10 customers"). The point of this game is to serve the customers what they want and make money, so why is one of the ribbons you can earn based on things that would hurt your overall game goal?

- You can't pre-program Emmas moves but instead have to move her every time. If you try and make her take all the orders and then you click on flowers for pick up, she will stop taking orders and go pick up the flowers instead. This takes up a lot more of my time then pre programming her.

- I couldn't seem to figure out how to get a combo score higher then 2 when delivering the flowers to the customer. She only has to hands so she can only carry two flower arrangements but even when she grabs a third flower arrangement from the table or machine, it starts the combo count over at 1 instead of 3. 

- You can't upgrade the Emma or buy any help for the store.

Flower Shop Frenzy is really a beginner game for Time Management players. For an experienced player, it's going to come off a little easy and more so annoying because it's not as good as other games. I liked that there were no mini games during levels, it shows you how to do tasks and it always explains the new customers or equipment. It doesn't however let you buy anything with the money earned, give you easy bonus questions, pre-program Emma's moves or upgrade her among other things. It wasn't the worse game I've played but for someone who's spent many years playing Time Management games, this one just doesn't stand out. If you're interested in trying the game, you get 6 levels for free before being able to upgrade to the full game which is pretty decently priced at only $1.19.


Game Play Tips:
- Combs are everything in this game. Wait until you have 3-4 people before taking orders. Also if you just get one or two customers, leave their money on the table, serve more people and collect all the money at the end so you will score a 4 combo instead of a 2.

**Check back every Tuesday for another game review and feel free to tweet me @popculturedlife with any Time Management games (that I can get from the iTunes App Store) that you would like to see in a future review!**

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