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Friday 1 April 2016

Striking Matches- "Nothing But The Silence" CD Review

Striking Matches- "Nothing But The Silence"

"It's so easy, nothin' to it
Though you may not believe me now
But I promise that you'll find out
When the right one comes along"

- "When The Right One Comes Along"

Year: 2015

# of Songs: 11

Favorite Songs:
- "When The Right One Comes Along"

Least Favorite Songs:
- "Trouble Is As Trouble Does"
- "Hanging On A Lie"

Striking Matches released their debut album "Nothing But The Silence", which features several songs that may be recognized from TV's Nashville. This duo's album is a mix of country and blues with a sound that's very acoustic. "When The Right One Comes Along" is the only track on this album that's worthy of a listen to. For me, it's a lot more blues then country and comes across as nice background music but not music that's polished enough to keep me hanging on. 

69% (Slightly Above Average)

**Check back every Friday for another Country Music CD Review and tweet me @popculturedlife to recommend a country album for a future review**

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