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Tuesday 17 May 2016

Game Time! Food Court Hamburger Fever Game Review

Food Court Hamburger Fever

Last Updated: 2016


# of Levels: 80 Levels

Price I Paid: N/A

Time Spent Playing: 35 minutes

Storyline: Earn a target amount of money in the given time in order to clear the level.

- Onion rings and french fries look too similar in the deep fryers to be able to quickly distinguish between the two (see picture 2).
- The upgrades aren't great (see picture 3). You can't upgrade food, food prep items, servers or buy other help. The upgrades you can buy are: Increase Profit by 10%, Add 2 Seconds to Customer Patience, Return 20% of Ingredient Costs and Increase Customer Frequency by 10%.
- Instead of just showing a large picture of a burger when customers are requesting food, they show a small picture of the burger and then break it down by showing a piece of meat, a piece of cheese and a piece of lettuce (or whatever is being requested in the burger). This slowed me down a lot more than a picture of a burger were you can see what's in it (see picture 2).

- During the gameplay, on the top it keeps track of your money but instead of just tracking the money that I made each level, it keeps track of ALL my money making it impossible to tell if I've reach my target goal.
- The controls need a lot of work. When I started at the second restaurant (level 10), it added chicken as a customer option but the controls aren't tight enough so when I clicked on anything near the chicken (beef patties, containers, buns, plates) it would always pick up a piece of chicken instead meaning I then have to garbage the chicken I didn't even click on and waste my food and my money.
- You have to watch a 20-30 second ad after every level played. You could pay $2.99 for a version of the game with no ads, but I won't.

The worst part of this game was the controls. I think that had the controls been tighter and level 10 didn't end up with me playing it three times because I kept losing money and time because it would only pick up chicken I didn't ask for, I would have kept playing. It also make it very hard to figure out if I made my target score or not each level because it would keep track of your total money instead of your money per level. In the end, I'm no better or worse off for having played the game but if you're looking for something better then a meh game, keep looking.


GamePlay Tip: Have all the drinks prepared ahead of time.
GamePlay Tip: During the "washing dishes" mini game level (see picture 4), make sure you put the dish under the faucet BEFORE you start washing it, otherwise you will spend your whole time scrubbing and it won't come clean.

Check back every Tuesday for more Game Reviews and follow me on Twitter @popculturedlife 

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