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Monday 16 May 2016

My Farewell to The Family

Following the cancellation of ABC's The Family

Oh ABC, another year and another farewell I have to make to a series that I've come to love. Two years ago you cancelled Trophy Wife, last year was Cristela and this year is The Family. I don't think The Family stood a fighting chance based on the time slot it was given (Sunday night at 7:00) but I'm guessing no one thought about that fact that it would be going up against both The Walking Dead and Game of Thrones (and after The Walking Dead, it would be against Fear The Walking Dead).

I watched the pilot episode of The Family figuring that it would be another pilot I would just turn off but I was completely wrong. With the outstanding cast, amazing writing and plot turns that I just never saw coming, this series is going to be sadly missed. 

Although I would have been okay with this being a mini-series (as in ONLY 12 episodes with a complete conclusion) instead of a regular series, I'm not okay with the fact that it left off on cliffhangers that will never be resolved. For the rest of my life I will be wondering:
1) If all of the scarfs in the Hank's box were only from children he "let go"? Or has he acted on his urges in the past?
2) Where has Adam been living since he was removed from the hole?
3) Why exactly Ben wasn't willing to ID Doug and what they chatted about when he broke into his house and found Ben sitting in Adams room?
4) Who killed Bridey? (My guess is Willa because we saw the vision cut back and forth to her)
5) What the dad's reaction would be to the fact that the boy living in his house isn't his son Adam but rather Ben?
6) If Adam was taken out of the hole and Ben thought he was dead, why didn't he seem more surprised on the phone to get a call from Adam?

7) How would the family react to knowing that Adam was still alive and out there?
8) If Jane was visiting the police officer that she hit in the head that she was hiding in the cellar, did she know where Adam was after Doug took him out of the hole? Was she visiting him too?

To the cast, crew & writers of The Family:
Thank for you for an superbly written series featuring so much character depth and consistent plot twists. You will be missed!

To the ABC Network:
Get it together. This is the third year in a row and I sure as hell don't want to be writing another ABC farewell next year.

**Follow me on Twitter @popculturedlife for more**

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