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Thursday 9 June 2016

Timeless- First Impressions & After Trailer Thoughts

I'm doing something different this year for the Fall TV Pilots 2016. Here I will do an individual series and include my First Impressions along with my After Trailer Thoughts and finally will conclude with the Premiere Review in the fall.

Timeless (NBC- Drama)

First Impressions (based on concept):
"This high-octane drama follows an unlikely trio who travel through time to battle a master criminal intent on altering the fabric of human history with potentially catastrophic results". First of all, if this "high-octane" series is anything like ABC's The Catch, you can count me out as I prefer good storytelling over a series that mixes ADD with speed. Secondly, the concept sounded so boring that I had to read it over several times as I kept zoning out before I could finish it.
How Excited Am I? 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest): 3

After Trailer Thoughts:
Having watched the trailer I can say for certain that this series is on the wrong network. It would have done so much better on a network like Syfy than it will on NBC. I'm also slightly over the whole bad-guy-time-travelled and we-need-to-go-back-and-catch-him concept. It's been done to death and in fact ABC has a series coming out in the fall called Time After Time (ironic that both titles are so similar) that deals with a bad guy going forward in time and the good guy having to follow him. I also just have to say that the scene at the end where Abigail Spencer's character is running from the falling Hindenburg looked like TERRIBLE CGI. As much as I think Abigail Spencer (True Detective) is going to be fantastic in the lead role, it won't be enough to keep me coming back.
How Excited Am I? 1 (lowest) - 10 (highest): Remains at 3
How Long Will It Last? On NBC, it will last one season or less. Had it been a different network like Syfy, probably 3 seasons.

Episode 1- Pilot Review
Check back in the fall!

**Follow me on Twitter @popculturedlife for all my Fall TV First Impressions & After Trailer Thoughts**

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