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Friday 12 June 2015

Top 20 Fave TV Dads- #10) Steven Keaton

Counting down my Top 20 Favorite TV Dads all the way up to Father's Day!

#10) Steven Keaton (Michael Gross, Family Ties)

As part of the baby boomer generation, Steven takes a more laid back approach when it comes to parenting. He gives advice and shares stories with his kids or anyone who will listen. He's willing to let his children make up their own minds and make mistakes but he's always there to catch them if they fall. Without him, what would we do?

Countdown So Far:
11) Eric Camden
12) Phillip Banks
13) Jason Seaver
14) Jim Anderson
15) Sandy Cohen
16) Phil Dunphy
17) Paul Hennessy
18) George Jetson
19) Fred Flintstone
20) Rufus Humphrey

**Check back tomorrow as the countdown of my Top 20 Favorite TV Dads continues and follow me on Twitter @popculturedlife for celebrity autographs, TV/Movie/Music/Board Game reviews and more**

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