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Thursday 31 December 2015

Chase Rice- "Ignite The Night" CD Review

Chase Rice- "Ignite The Night"

"Got some dents, got some dings, been my best friend since I was 16
Baptized in dirty water, handed down to me from my father

If ya wanna know, wanna know what I'm made of, just look at my truck"
- "Look At My Truck"

Year: 2014

# of Songs: 15

Favorite Songs:
- "Beach Town"
- "Carolina Can"
- "Gonna Wanna Tonight"
- "Look At My Truck"

Least Favorite Songs:
- "We Goin Out"
- "U Turn"

Chase Rice is one of those lucky genre jumpers that can execute two different music styles perfectly in the same album. It's an excellent mix between country and country-rock songs almost all dedicated to (as the title would suggest) having a good time. Country music gets a bum wrap and joked that it's all about people leaving, trucks breaking down and dogs dying but this album proves everyone's got it all wrong because THIS is clearly where's the party's at!

91% (MUST BUY!)

Previous Chase Rice Albums:
- Ready, Set, Roll (2013)- 95%

**Check back every Friday for another Country Music CD Review and tweet me @popculturedlife to recommend a country album for a future review**

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