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Tuesday 1 December 2015

Game Time! Ada's Hospital

Game Time! Ada's Hospital

Last Updated: 2012

Company: Triniti Interactive Limited

# of Levels: 10 (additional 20 levels for purchase)

Price I Paid: Free (10 Levels), $1.19 (additional 20 levels)

Time Spent Playing: 3 Hours and 1 Minute

Story Line: Ada just finished med school and now she's in charge of a hospital with tight funds.


+ 30 levels is the perfect amount when none of the mini-games change. Long enough to get into the game but not long enough that it becomes boringly repetitive.

- Every different symptom ("common cold", "broken arm") gets cured the same way. So every time someone comes in with the common cold, you will have to go through all the same stations and mini games to cure the patient.

- The game appears slightly fuzzy due to sub par graphics.

- I found it quite disturbing when the blood appears on the sheet for the pregnant lady. (See picture 3) YIKES!

- Ada walks around big empty spaces in the hospital when going from one station to the next instead of just going directly from station to station which eats up time and patients hearts.

- You are unable to see how many hearts each patient has and unable to give them more once they reach the till.

- You can only program 5 actions at one time which is about half of what I would like to program. So after 5 you have to sit there and wait and watch Ada so when she finishes a task you can schedule another and it becomes more of a waiting game.

- Make sure that you hit the "pause" button if you need to pause while you are in the middle of a level. Unlike other games that will automatically pause when you hit the home button on your phone, this one won't and you will have to start the level from the beginning.

- All of the upgrades are expensive so during the beginning few levels you won't be able to afford upgrades and you might have to repeat levels just to get the target score. Later in the game when you have all (or most) of the upgrades you will be able to beat every level with expert scores.

This is yet another game in the Ada series with this one being based in a hospital. After the 10 free levels I had no problem paying the$1.19 for an additional 20 levels, which is all this game needs to keep it from getting to boring and repetitive. I did find quite a few issues with this game such as it appears fuzzy, every symptom has the same mini games, you can only program 5 actions at a time, you can't hit the home button before the pause button, and so on. I've definitely played worse games but I've definitely played better. If you're skeptical, you can always try the first few levels for free before you commit to the $1.19.


Game Play Tips:
- Always have coffee ready and brewing just in case it takes you awhile going through the patients, you can give them all coffee so they don't get angry enough to leave.
- When you are working on the patient with shards of glass in his back, after you remove them you need to put them in the bucket on the right side of the screen. My finger was hovering over the bucket and it took me forever to figure out what I was doing wrong because the pieces of glass would just fly right back into his back after I removed them.
- The first things that should be upgraded when you have the money are the helpers. They make it much easier to push a large amount of patients through the hospital because they each take care of one task. The only helper you don't need is the one who constantly makes coffee because it only takes a second for Ada to click the machine on when it's needed.

**Check back every Tuesday for another game review and feel free to tweet me @popculturedlife with any Time Management games (that I can get from the iTunes App Store) that you would like to see in a future review!**

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