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Tuesday 14 June 2016

Game Time! Hotel Dash Deluxe Game Review

Hotel Dash Deluxe

Last Updated: 2014

Company: Glu Games Inc

# of Levels: 40 (free)

Time Spent Playing: 3 Hours and 46 Minutes

Story Line: Help Flo cater to a variety of quirky guests including pet lovers, fashionistas and clowns.

+ This is one of the few games that plays vertically on my iPhone. I love that because it's so much easier to see different levels of buildings vertically as opposed to horizontally. 

+ All the controls work great. Never any problems when tapping on items, customers or doors. 

+ Visually looks great with lots of extra details making each hotel very distinctive and all the customer requests very clear and legible.

+ Lots of levels available to purchase.

- This game is very predictable. Every one of the same customers will ask for the exact same things in the exact same order. (For example, the trucker man will ask for food and then ask for food again. Where as the business woman will ask for food, for a towel, leave you laundry and then check out.) 

- Because this game is so predicable, it's also very easy. I scored expert on all 40 levels without breaking a sweat. Once you figure out who all the characters are and in what order they want things, it's very easy to win. 

Hotel Dash is one of my favorite "Dash" games to play. It has a lot of visual appeal especially since it plays vertically on the phone instead of horizontal. All the controls work fantastically well and there's so many additional levels available for purchase. The biggest downside of this game is that once you meet every customer, it's very easy to remember what they will ask for and in what order which makes my play mode more robotic then spontaneous because I always know what to expect. If you're a fan of other "dash" games (Cooking Dash, Wedding Dash, Diner Dash) then you will enjoy this one (and are probably familiar with several of the hotel customers already!) 


Game Play Tips
- Always put the fruit baskets at every door, each time there is a new customer. You will earn (+50) points and they will be happier.

- Always make sure the number of hotel doors match the number of items you can carry on your cart. For example, if you have three hotel doors then make sure your cart can carry three items. This will make combo points a lot easier to get.
- Do as many things in sequence as you can to achieve the most combo points. For example, bring all the luggage up and deliver in sequence, bring up and deliver food in sequence, collect money for check out in sequence, drop off dirty laundry all at once.
- Make sure to match the guest's color with the hotel room's color every chance you get for bonus color matching points.
- The hearts will depend on how well you serve. The more hearts the customer has when checking out, the more you will score.
- Pick upgrading items that will help you get stuff done (like faster elevator, bigger cart, faster shoes) before upgrading hotel items that don't make much of a difference (hotel carpet, wallpaper).
- Make sure to add stars to the hotel doors as soon as possible because you earn money for fixing up the special hotel suite.

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