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Friday 20 May 2016

Conviction- First Impressions & After Trailer Thoughts

I'm doing something different this year for the Fall TV Pilots 2016. Here I will do an individual series and include my First Impressions along with my After Trailer Thoughts and finally will conclude with the Premiere Review in the fall.

Conviction (ABC- Drama)

First Impressions (based on concept):
I think this series will really help Hayley Atwell expand her fan base from Marvel watchers to a household name. Plus There are several people in this series that I'm excited to see: Merrin Dungey (Yes, she's from Once Upon a Time but also King of Queens!) and Emily Kinney (The Walking Dead). For me personally, it sounds a lot more episodic then I care for and at this point there are a few too many "examine case" crimes on TV.
How Excited Am I? 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest): 7

After Trailer Thoughts:
Strangely enough, I found Hayley Atwell's character to be kind of annoying. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for strong/sassy/take-charge woman (like Atwell's character Peggy Carter in her last TV series Agent Carter) but by the end of this trailer her character's condescending "I get what I want" tone was starting to grind my nerves. On the plus side, I think the "team" that she gets assigned to work with (Emily Kinney, Merrin Dungey, Shawn Ashmore) are all going to be amazing supporting characters. I just hope that Hayley Atwell's character isn't so I'm-better-than-you  then she seems in the trailer. Otherwise my fear for the series is that the supporting cast will outshine her.
How Excited Am I? 1 (lowest) - 10 (highest): Dropped down to 4
How Long Will It Last? Going into the trailer, I was picturing 3 seasons but after watching it, I'm not so convinced that it will make it past 1.

Episode 1- Pilot Review
Check back in the fall!

**Follow me on Twitter @popculturedlife for all my Fall TV First Impressions & After Trailer Thoughts**

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