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Tuesday 14 June 2016

This Is Us- First Impressions & After Trailer Thoughts

I'm doing something different this year for the Fall TV Pilots 2016. Here I will do an individual series and include my First Impressions along with my After Trailer Thoughts and finally will conclude with the Premiere Review in the fall.

This Is Us (NBC- Dramady)

First Impressions (based on concept):
This series "from the writer and director of Crazy, Stupid, Love, a dramady about a unique ensemble of characters who share the same birthday" could work better on a different network. NBC has very few comedy series (especially ones that have lasted over one season) but they are successful a bit more successful when it comes to dramas. HBO does dramady well (Girls) as does Showtime (Shameless) and Netflix (Orange Is The New Black) but it will be interesting to see NBC's take on the genre. So does this network have what it takes to make one of the only (I believe) dramadies on regular network? All I know is that it will be fantastic to see Mandy Moore again!
How Excited Am I? 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest): 7

After Trailer Thoughts:

First of all, I think NBC needs to Google the word "dramady" because that indicates that the series should be equally dramatic AND funny. I had tears streaming down my face just watching that trailer and I didn't laugh once. Seriously though, there is no doubt in my mind that this might be MY favorite series of the fall as I always favorite shows where there is multiple characters and stories (even unconnected ones). I think my favorite part is seeing Mandy Moore and Milo Ventimiglia (Gilmore Girls) play the husband and wife characters because I love both of them. I just hope this series is half as good as that trailer was because there wasn't a thing about it that I didn't fall in love with. I also hope NBC will just start referring to it as a drama.
How Excited Am I? 1 (lowest) - 10 (highest): 10, I had much lower expectations going into the trailer but after seeing how great it was, I'm over the moon.
How Long Will It Last? This is a tricky one. They are calling it a "dramady" but it's not which might turn some people off. Plus not everyone likes the multiple character plots as much as I do, as well as the fact that it does have a girly feel to it so I'm not sure how successful it will be at appealing to men. Although I will probably fall in love with this series, I fear I may be in the minority.

Episode 1- Pilot Review
Check back in the fall!

**Follow me on Twitter @popculturedlife for all my Fall TV First Impressions & After Trailer Thoughts**

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