Bull (CBS- Drama)
First Impressions (based on concept):
Although this series is "inspired by the early career of Dr. Phil McGraw during his days as head of one of the most prolific trial consulting firms of all time" it really is going to be just another lawyer show with the use of a psychologist. I don't think the fact that it's inspired by Dr. Phil's career will gain any more viewer than a regular law series. It's clearly not a series for me as I fell asleep just reading the concept.
How Excited Am I? 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest): 3
After Trailer Thoughts:
I think that Michael Weatherly really sells his role well. In fact, although the series didn't seem as awful or as boring as it did when I read the concept, I'm pretty sure much of the success of the trailer was Michael Weatherly. It will really be interesting to see what happens AFTER the pilot episode though considering that the WHOLE first episode was pretty much given away in the four minute trailer.
How Excited Am I? (1- Lowest - 10 Highest)? The trailer improved my thoughts on the series and I would say I'm a solid 6.
How Long Will The Series Last? Considering the regular series length that most of series in the genre have, it could work out really well and last 6+ years. Most of the series have broken the 10+ year mark.
Episode 1- Pilot Review
Check back in the fall!
**Follow me on Twitter @popculturedlife for all my Fall TV First Impressions & After Trailer Thoughts**
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