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Tuesday 2 February 2016

Game Time! Coffee Diner Server Dash

Coffee Diner Server Dash

Year: 2014

Company: NetSummit Enterprises Inc.

# of Levels: Gave up after level 2

Price I Paid: Free Trial Version (There is however the full version for $3.49)

Time Spent Playing: 7 minutes

Object: Serve customers coffee and very strange looking food...

- Take a look at the cover picture at the top. What kind of cover picture for a game DOESN'T GIVE THE NAME OF THE GAME?! This clearly should have been an indication of what was to come.

- There are no instructions AT ALL. I have encountered games that instruct too much and games that instruct very little but this is the first game where the moment I hit "play" I have customers coming into the coffee shop (is it a coffee shop?) and ordering coffee and strange looking food (Is it a chunk of ham they want?). No instructions on who the customers are, how to get the food they want or what to do with it. 

- When the customers ordered coffee, I picked up the coffee from the shelf and tried to give it to them but they wouldn't accept it. I couldn't figure out what the hell until it dawned on me that there are two stoves, so I tried putting the coffee on the stove and sure enough, they accepted it after. What kind of coffee (already in it's mug and everything) gets placed on a stove burner? That's a good way to burn the coffee shop down, stupid.

- There is no indication given when the customer finishes eating and is ready to pay. They make the same weird hand movements when eating like they are in an food competition but when they are done (although the food still remains on the plate and coffee in the mug until it's picked up) they continue making the same bizarre hand movements making it impossible to tell when they are done eating.

- The best part of this game (and I mean that super sarcastically) is when I had to sneeze and I hit the pause button at the bottom of the screen which prompted a message to appear. It said "Do you really back to menu?" and I went "What?". So I read it a few more times and rolled my eyes and left the game on pause for a few more minutes. What happened when I came back was even more perfect. The game hadn't actually PAUSED at all. Instead, the pause "message" was appearing over the game which was still playing. (Take a look at picture 3 and picture 4). Picture three was after I clicked pause and read the ridiculous message. Picture 4 is after I came back from the bathroom (with the pause "message" still listed) and I noticed that the customers waiting for a seat at the tables were pissed off. When I hit the pause button in a game, I expect the game to pause. Silly me.

There is not ONE positive thing that I can say about my experience playing this game. I should have clued in when I noticed that the title screen for the game doesn't even list the game's title. Right from start there are no instructions, at all. You have to figure out what is going on and how to serve the customers who apparently like weird looking food and coffee from mugs that are heated on the stove. There's no indication when people are done eating and instead of being able to pause the game, it just places a message saying "Do you really back to menu?" ABOVE your game which is still playing. When I went back to iTunes to leave a review and get more information I was mortified to learn that this was the free trial version of this game and the full game costs $3.49. This game is so terrible that it should be paying the people who dare to play it. Save your money and time and instead of playing Coffee Diner Server Dash, just dash!


Game Play Tips:
- DON'T! (You're welcome)

**Check back every Tuesday for another game review and feel free to tweet me @popculturedlife with any Time Management games (that I can get from the iTunes App Store) that you would like to see in a future review!

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